What Campers Say

Quotes from Campers!

"Had an awesome time and made new friends + relationships"

"No matter what outside experiences or distractions I am faced with, this experience always grounds me and revives my spirit"

"Life does indeed go on!"

"My most memorable experience was the end of the week when our homeowner told us not to go home!"

"Seeing my homeowners face at the end of the week crying because of how grateful she was was amazing"

"I also learned that if you open up to people and just have a good conversation, people will appreciate you so much"

"I learned that God always has a plan and everything has a purpose"

"I also learned how much I am capable of"

"My most important experience was the skills I learned and importance of helping other people"

"I  learned that God watches over you in every situation"

"I learned that I am a much better worker then I thought I was"

"The most important experience of the week was seeing how my home owners wend above + beyond when it came to making our work day easier.  I learned a lot from them about gratitude"

"I learned that I can be a significant part in helping to change someone else's life by making their quality of living better"

"I learned quite a lot.  I learned that I can push myself if I tried.  I learned that God has mysterious ways of fulfilling something."